Truck navigation app with custom routing and accurate offline maps
Fura is specified GPS application for truck drivers to provide reliable and easy truck routing. Truck drivers with heavy loads need safe way to travel and they should know the best roads to travel.
Enjoy simple and smart navigation service for large vehicles, trusted by thousands of truck drivers in Russia. The app is perfect long routes on unknown roads. With Fura we’ve got you covered – anywhere you want to go. Advanced route planning even lets you avoid toll roads, U-turns, or prefer right turns.
Get directions and other useful information such as real-time traffic, speed camera warnings, restaurants and other points of interest. Built to keep you safe and compliant on road.

Plan route that are optimized for your vehicle, your load, and the number of stops you need to make. Fura will calculate the kilometers, fuels and save money.
The service organizes routes in such a way as to save fuel costs as much as possible. It is very important to take into account all the restrictions that truck drivers meet on the road.

Drivers can find millions of truck-related POI in our maps. We update the data every month, so you will always drive with actual offline maps – say goodbye to high data costs.
From camping places to gas stations or cafe and car service, our navigation app comes with millions of useful offline POIs.
Our base contains more than 100,000 points, which are located on roads throughout the country – speed cameras, weight stations, «Platons», toll roads and much more.
The app will notify you about the events on the road, so you will be warned in advance. You can also create your own notifications to inform other drivers about crashes, police checkpoints or road repairs.


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